Centennial Preservation Group LLC is a firm based in Columbus, Ohio with a field office in Raleigh, North Carolina specializing in historic restoration and preservation. We believe no job is too large or small and no one’s need is inconsequential. We combine expertise in and passion for historic structures with the finest materials and craftsmanship to give you, the property owner, architect, or consultant a world class experience. We perform masonry restoration services, plaster, and window restoration in house. Uniquely, we use only lime based mortars. One unique aspect of Centennial Preservation Group is all mortars we use in masonry restoration work are either lime putty, naturally hydraulic lime, natural cement, or ASTM C270 mortars mixed by proportion. We use these mortars because they are appropriate for your building, our exclusive use of lime mortars is significant because lime mortars require different methods of curing and more care during the process than conventional and ubiquitous masonry cements. Centennial Preservation conforms to the National Park Service’s Preservation Briefs on every job we perform.
Historic architecture is a window to our past. Providing a sense of place, belonging, and history, these structures have witnessed and been party to the struggles, grieves, successes and joys of our fore bearers. We are charged with being good and responsible stewards of out historic architecture. Each generation is called to steward these structures while adding to the lineage of experiences and events witnessed by our historic structures. Good stewardship is a partnership between the property owner and the professionals engaged in preserving and restoring the property.
The Centennial Preservation Group understands the import of these structures and the value of a good partner and thus is committed to bringing you the highest quality materials, craftsmanship and understanding to restore and preserve your historic property. Thus,
We are confident we are your best choice for all of your historic preservation and restoration needs. Please review our list of services and contact us today for an evaluation of your historic property.